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  • Posted By : youZingit
  • Total Awards : 5
  • Awards List: $600.00, $100.00, $100.00, $100.00, $100.00
  • Date Posted : 03/01/2013
  • Closing Date : 04/30/2013

Response Information

Must first select an Idea to view

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  • Status: Expired

Promote Your Favorite Brand - $2,000 USD Total Compensation

Everyone has a brand that they love. This is your chance to show loyalty to your favorite brand and get paid for it! It involves posting a photo of you using the brand's product and submitting an idea to create a marketing buzz for the brand.

Increase Awareness and $$ for youZingit

This is an idea that can provide viewers and contacts for youZingit.

Full Description

This is an idea that can provide viewers and contacts for youZingit.


Noticing that many are using the crowd to make things happen for them.  Here are two websites that may help youZingit with spreading the "Zing" of their website,  and could potentially help raise $$ for the website as well.


The first is a website that is dedicated to spreading buzz about businesses, it is called, Wahooly.  Here is the link that I found it on,

Here is another link that may help with overall $$ for youZingit,, you can click on USA at the left side of the page.

My picture shows me pointing to my screen while using my youZingit account to post to this RFI.

Wishing youZingit the best!


Additional Information

Here's hoping that your website catches on and helps spur inventors on with their ideas supporting them toward making a better future for all.