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  • Posted By : youZingit
  • Total Awards : 4
  • Awards List: $200.00, $100.00, $100.00, $100.00
  • Date Posted : 03/01/2013
  • Closing Date : 04/30/2013

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  • Status: Expired

Help youZingit Attract College Students - $1,000 USD Total Compensation

This request is to help youZingit promote our website to college students. Come up with original ideas to help us create engagement and awareness among college and university students.

Target Active Talent

The best way to promote your website to college students is to pitch to (1) college/university clubs and (2) partner with sites with large student audience.

Full Description

1. College clubs usually send out weekly emails to students and if you give them a creative template, they can easily forward to their entire list with a click of a button in a dedicated email.

(excellent guide for writing persuasive emails like that here:

A lot of these clubs need to raise funds, so they will be happy to incorporate youZingit as part of their activities; in addition, they will be happy to add value (and money!) to their members by giving them an opportunity to be creative and get paid.

For ex:

Here are several more groups:

2. Seek out sites like this one:

They, too, send out newsletters that goes out to your ideal contingent -- you will not only get traffic, but also engagement, because the kids on these lists want to make money, or get experience -- or both. At the end of the day, you don't really need a huge email list of inactive users. You need active/willing users who will add great content to your website, which creates the value that companies and brands are after.  



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